Add Event

Add Event

Submit your event on the form below, or contact us via Facebook. We will make sure to add your event to our list and press release. Please be sure to contact us at least a week prior to the First Friday Hop to ensure that we are able to add your event to the press release before it is sent to media outlets.

    Event Contact Name (required)

    Event Contact Email (required)

    Event Name

    Event Date

    Event Time

    Venue Name

    Link to Event Page

    Link to Ticket Sales

    Name of Artist

    Get added as a stop on the Hop here:

    All content on this site is shared as-is and provided by the community members, artists, and event holders of the First Friday Hop, who manage and promote these events independently with the sole intent to provide news for non-profit educational purposes. All content is assumed correct and without infringement to the best of our knowledge. If any content is found to be in error, or if you feel that your work has been used without proper permission, and in excess of U.S. Code § 107 for Fair Use, please use the contact above to report your concerns so corrections and removal can be made immediately.