

The First Friday Hop is a great event for bringing people and artists together. Still have questions or comments? Feel free to contact us!

Where is the Trolley? The beautiful antique trollies have been decommissioned for the general public, but you can still rent them for private events. Contact Miller Transport for more information about local trolley rental.




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    All content on this site is shared as-is and provided by the community members, artists, and event holders of the First Friday Hop, who manage and promote these events independently with the sole intent to provide news for non-profit educational purposes. All content is assumed correct and without infringement to the best of our knowledge. If any content is found to be in error, or if you feel that your work has been used without proper permission, and in excess of U.S. Code § 107 for Fair Use, please use the contact above to report your concerns so corrections and removal can be made immediately. Please clearly state the page and image file name to be removed in your message and it will be removed immediately. No links to other sites or downloads will be accepted for reporting purposes.