Title: Eel Eye
About: I’m a violinist/fiddler of about 9 years. I play a variety of styles, originals, and covers. I don’t play the fanciest stuff, but have a solid foundation and pretty good tone for a 9-year player- I also improvise and can jump in on almost anything. I have some experience busking but many of my musician friends tend to be pretty flaky. I’m joining this association in hopes of finding a somewhat more reliable strings player to jam and/or busk with regularly. Guitarists, banjo players, mandolin players, or bowed string players, please get in contact!
Rates: $50 per hr if solo, $80 per hr if duo
Genre: acoustic music
Social: pineboxlouisville (facebook)
Website: Pinebox Experience (facebook)
Contact: name and email, may be shared with interested musicians or those interested in having us perform.