Title: Nina & The Buffalo Riders
About: Nina & The Buffalo Riders are a product and cumulative manifestation of Detroit’s legendary musical prowess. This six-piece outfit combines soulful vocals, dominant guitar leads, acoustic breaks, screaming organ, and the occasional banjo and mandolin to create their definitive rock and roll sound. Since their formation in early 2013, Nina & The Buffalo Riders’ sound has been fashioned by a decade of live performance experience, songwriting and commercial session work for companies like ALP Music, as well as a myriad of influences ranging from bluegrass to soul. The group is valued for their high intensity live performances and cross-genre instrumentation.
Rates: $75-100 an hour
Genre: Soulful Rock w/Gypsy Fusion
Social: https://m.facebook.com/NinaTheBuffaloRiders/
Website: http://www.ninaandthebuffaloriders.com/
Contact: Our website please & thank you!